GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 16 GB Overview
Data interpolated by architecture, based on benchmarks charts.
The GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 16 GB is a graphics card not yet released. Performance and specifications shown in this page is subject to change upon release.
GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 16 GB pros and cons |
Compared to similar performing cards
|  |  |
| GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 16 GB | GeForce GTX 660 |
| | compare |
Shader units | 6144 | 960 |
ROPs | 96 | 24 |
Graphics processor | GA104 | GK106 |
Process size | 8 nm | 28 nm |
Memory | 16384 Mb GDDR6X (1188 MHz
19 Gbps effective) | 2048 Mb GDDR5 (1502 MHz
6008 MHz effective) |
Memory bus width | 256 bit | 192 bit |
Memory bandwidth | 608.30 Gb/s | 144.00 Gb/s |
Release date | 1 Jan 1800 | 6 Sep 2012 |