Radeon HD 7950 Boost vs Radeon R9 270X
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
Radeon R9 270X
Relative performance
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
Radeon R9 270X
Relative performance
Reasons to consider Radeon HD 7950 Boost |
7% higher gaming performance. |
Supports Direct3D 12 Async Compute |
Supports ReLive (allows game streaming/recording with minimum performance penalty) |
Supports Mantle |
Based on an outdated architecture (AMD GCN), there may be no performance optimizations for current games and applications |
Reasons to consider Radeon R9 270X |
This is a much newer product, it might have better long term support. |
Supports Direct3D 12 Async Compute |
Supports ReLive (allows game streaming/recording with minimum performance penalty) |
Supports Mantle |
Based on an outdated architecture (AMD GCN), there may be no performance optimizations for current games and applications |
HWBench recommends Radeon HD 7950 Boost
The Radeon HD 7950 Boost is the better performing card based on the game benchmark suite used (5 combinations of games and resolutions).
Core Configuration
| Radeon HD 7950 Boost | | Radeon R9 270X | |
GPU Name | Tahiti (Tahiti PRO2) | vs | Curacao (Curacao XT) |
Fab Process | 28 nm | vs | 28 nm |
Die Size | 352 mm² | vs | 212 mm² |
Transistors | 4,313 million | vs | 2,800 million |
Shaders | 1792 | vs | 1280 |
Compute Units | 28 | vs | 20 |
Core clock | 850 MHz | vs | 1000 MHz |
ROPs | 32 | vs | 32 |
TMUs | 112 | vs | 80 |
Memory Configuration
| Radeon HD 7950 Boost | | Radeon R9 270X | |
Memory Type | GDDR5 | vs | GDDR5 |
Bus Width | 384 bit | vs | 256 bit |
Memory Speed | 1250 MHz
5000 MHz effective | vs | 1400 MHz
5600 MHz effective |
Memory Size | 3072 Mb | vs | 2048 Mb |
Additional details
| Radeon HD 7950 Boost | | Radeon R9 270X | |
TDP | 200 watts | vs | 180 watts |
Release Date | 22 Jun 2012 | vs | 8 Oct 2013 |
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
27.20 GP/s
Radeon R9 270X
32.00 GP/s
GigaPixels - higher is better
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
95.20 GT/s
Radeon R9 270X
80.00 GT/s
GigaTexels - higher is better
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
240.00 GB/s
Radeon R9 270X
179.00 GB/s
GB/s - higher is better
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
3046.00 GFLOPs
Radeon R9 270X
2560.00 GFLOPs
GFLOPs - higher is better
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
Radeon R9 270X
Points (higher is better)
DX11, Ultra Quality,DDOD, FX AA
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
Radeon R9 270X
FPS (higher is better)
DX11,Very High Quality, FXAA
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
Radeon R9 270X
FPS (higher is better)
DX11, High Quality, 2x MSAA, 16x AF
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
Radeon R9 270X
FPS (higher is better)
DX11, Ultra Quality, 4xMSAA
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
Radeon R9 270X
FPS (higher is better)
DX11, AAA standard, 16xAF, Motion Blur normal, Tesselation normal
Radeon HD 7950 Boost
Radeon R9 270X
FPS (higher is better)