Radeon R7 M270 vs Radeon HD 8550M

Radeon R7 M270
Memory: 2048Mb DDR3MOBILE
Release date: 9 Jan 2014
Radeon R7 M270
Radeon HD 8550M
Memory: 1024Mb DDR3MOBILE
Release date: 13 Jul 2014
Radeon HD 8550M


Reasons to consider Radeon R7 M270

Higher theoretical gaming performance, based on specifications.
Supports Direct3D 12 Async Compute
Supports ReLive (allows game streaming/recording with minimum performance penalty)
Supports Mantle
Based on an outdated architecture (AMD GCN), there may be no performance optimizations for current games and applications

Reasons to consider Radeon HD 8550M

Supports Direct3D 12 Async Compute
Supports ReLive (allows game streaming/recording with minimum performance penalty)
Supports Mantle
Based on an outdated architecture (AMD GCN), there may be no performance optimizations for current games and applications

Radeon R7 M270

HWBench recommends Radeon R7 M270

Based on theoretical specifications.


Core Configuration

Radeon R7 M270Radeon HD 8550M
GPU NameOpal (Opal XT)vsSun (Sun LE)
Fab Process28 nmvs28 nm
Die Size77 mm²vs77 mm²
Transistors1,040 millionvs1,040 million
Compute Units6vs5
Core clock725 MHzvs650 MHz

Memory Configuration

Radeon R7 M270Radeon HD 8550M
Memory TypeDDR3vsDDR3
Bus Width128 bitvs64 bit
Memory Speed900 MHz
1800 MHz effective
vs900 MHz
1800 MHz effective
Memory Size2048 Mbvs1024 Mb

Additional details

Radeon R7 M270Radeon HD 8550M
TDP0 wattsvs0 watts
Release Date9 Jan 2014vs13 Jul 2014

Raw Performance comparison

Pixel Rate

  • Radeon R7 M270
    6.60 GP/s
  • Radeon HD 8550M
    6.80 GP/s

GigaPixels - higher is better

Texel Rate

  • Radeon R7 M270
    19.80 GT/s
  • Radeon HD 8550M
    17.00 GT/s

GigaTexels - higher is better

Memory bandwidth

  • Radeon R7 M270
    28.80 GB/s
  • Radeon HD 8550M
    14.40 GB/s

GB/s - higher is better

Single precision performance

  • Radeon R7 M270
    633.60 GFLOPs
  • Radeon HD 8550M
    544.00 GFLOPs

GFLOPs - higher is better

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